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435 times: She mentions Prince Harry particularly often in his biography

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From: Susanne Kroeber


Prince Harry gives a lot of space in his biography to the most important woman in his life. Other people close to him, on the other hand, hardly get any attention in “Reserve”.

Montecito – The bound edition of the memoirs of over 500 pages Prince Harry (38). In “Reserve” (“Spare”), Harry, with the help of his ghostwriter JR Moehringer (58), writes the frustration of life on the bench of the British royal family from the soul. One name is by far the most frequently mentioned in Harry’s biography.

Meghan Markle stars in Prince Harry’s life

In “Reserve” Prince Harry talks about his childhood as the younger brother of heir to the throne Prince William (40), he also reveals how traumatic the accidental death of his mother Diana (36, † 1997) was for him. Harry’s time in the military and his missions in Afghanistan are also discussed, as is his difficult relationship with his father Charles (74) and his second wife Camilla (75). Only in the last part of the biography does actress Meghan Markle (41) come into play.

Prince Harry (middle) dedicates loving words to them in his biography: wife Meghan (left) and Mama Diana (right). (Montage) © IMAGO/Cover-Images/picture alliance/dpa/Fabian Strauch/IMAGO/Photoshot/John Shelley Collection

Nevertheless, Meghan Markle is the person whose name is mentioned most often in “Reserve”. the DailyMirror has counted and published an evaluation, according to which Prince Harry’s wife Meghan is mentioned a total of 435 times in his memoirs, Harry mostly calling his sweetheart “Megs”. A clear sign of who is leading in Harry’s life. Far behind is Prince Harry’s brother William, who is mentioned 358 times, 349 of them as “Willy”.

Prince Harry mentions these names most often in his biography:

1. Meghan Markle (435)

2. Prince William (358)

3. Princess Diana (342)

4. King Charles III. (310)

5. Queen Elizabeth II (192)

6. Kate Middleton (104)

7. Camilla (62)

8. Mark Dyer (54)

9. Queen Mom (48)

10. Prince Philip (37)

11. Archie (26)

12. Tiggy Legge Bourke (17)

13. Prince Andrew (5)

14. Lilibet (3)

Prince Harry’s Biography: His children Archie and Lilibet are barely mentioned

The podium completes Prince Harry’s mother Diana, of whom Harry speaks 342 times in “Reserve”, mostly he affectionately calls her “Mummy”. Fourth is Harry’s father, King Charles III. Harry refers to “Pa” 310 times in his biography. Queen Elizabeth II (96, † 2022), who Prince Harry calls “Granny”, is mentioned 192 times. This is followed by Prince William’s wife Kate Middleton (41) with 104 mentions and King’s wife Camilla, whose name falls 62 times in “Reserve”.

Surprisingly far behind are found in the list of the two children of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, Archie (3) and Lilibet (1), who of course only appear in the last part of Harry’s biography. Maybe Archie and Lilibet will play a bigger role in a future work by Prince Harry – after he had to drastically shorten his biographythe Duke of Sussex still has enough material for more books. Sources used:

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