The sitcom “Listen Who’s Hammering” ran for eight seasons. So enough time for a lot of celebrity guests – we picked out five for you who were in the series.

Jimmy Carter

Indeed! the former US President Jimmy Carter, who ran the country from 1977 to 1981, had a guest appearance on “Listen, Who’s Hammering”. 1994 ran the episode “team spirit” first time on US television. There, houses were to be built for a non-profit organization, which led to a competition between Tim and Jill. Eventually, Jimmy Carter came forward as himself via video message and congratulated Jill on her great house while explaining to Tim that his needs repairing.

The Beach Boys

One of the biggest bands of the ’60s: The “Beach Boys” became world famous with hits like “Good Vibrations” and “Surfin’ USA”, in 1997 they were in season 6 guest in the series. In the episode “The Karate Kid Returns”, Wilson’s cousins ​​come to visit. They’re the real “Beach Boys,” but Wilson is furious with his relatives for never wanting to use any of his ideas for a song.

Dan Aikroyd

Jay Leno

George Foreman

The multiple world boxing champion and Olympic champion George Foreman was there in the first season. He played himself what the episode “Unchained Melody” didn’t become a part of the sport. Instead, he appeared in “Tool Time” to indulge in his second career: grilling.


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