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5 mistakes in ‘Shrek’ that you may not have noticed

Unless you’ve seen the movie 50 times already… We are not afraid to say that ‘Shrek’ is one of the best and most incredible animated films in history, because the years go by and we are still in love with the story of the green ogre who lives in a swamp.

However, despite his genius, The Shrek movies are not spared from quite common mistakes in the cinemaas are the continuity errors that one gets to catch only if you pay a lot of attention to details.

‘Shrek’ is one of the most beloved animated movies. Photo: Dreamworks Animation

‘Shrek’ is a masterpiece when it comes to animated movies

Be it by animation errors, editing problems, script errors, or other reasonsIn several movies – including ‘Shrek’ – we see how characters or objects change places and appear in other places with no apparent explanation, or contradict what they say.

although for Most of these types of errors in movies like ‘Shrek’ are little details that hardly anyone noticesFor the most observant and picky, most of these types of stumbling blocks can ruin the experience of the story and even take away some of its coherence.

Image from ‘Shrek’ from 2001 / Photo: Dreamworks Animation

5 Mistakes You Might Not Notice In The First ‘Shrek’ Movie

As we told you, the first ‘Shrek’ movie is no exception and here we bring you 5 Continuity Errors You Probably Haven’t Noticed On The Tape DreamWorks (which by the way was the first to win an Oscar for ‘Best Animated Film’.

5.- The sign outside Shrek’s house

At the beginning of the film we see that Shrek lives quietly in the house inside his swampwhere it puts a sign that says “Beware of the ogre” and which is next to another that says “Keep away”.

However, if you pay attention, the same poster mysteriously disappears one scene later, when several hunters approach the swamp to catch Shrek and collect the reward.

The sign that Shrek puts up in his swamp. To one side is another that says ‘Stay Out’. Photo: Dreamworks Animation
When the hunters go after Shrek, they only step on a sign. Photo: Dreamworks Animation

4.- Snow White at Shrek’s table

When Shrek is about to have his dinner and suddenly seven dwarfs arrive and put Snow White on his table (yes, that scene with the phrase “they take the dead old woman off the table) and throw away everything that was in it.

Everything is fine with this scene until we notice that when Shrek comes out to claim the fairy tale characters for invading his swamp, in the background we can see that the glass box where Snow White sleeps is on the table again and there is nothing lying on the floor.

The seven dwarfs make a mess of Shrek’s house by putting Snow White on the table. Photo: Dreamworks Animation
But then the mess magically disappears. Photo: Dreamworks Animation

Some objects move or disappear in the ‘Shrek’ movie

3.- The bottle of milk and Ginger

We know Lord Farquaad when he tortures Ginger, a cookie with gummy buttons who demands that he tell him where the other fairy tale creatures are, because he wants them to disappear to have a perfect world.

Farquaad removes the biscuit’s legs to dip them in milk. All good with this scene until the magic mirror arrives to present the single women who can lead the villain to be king, since Ginger asks him not to do it and there we see that the milk bottle is on the other side of the plate

Ginger is tortured by Lord Farqaad. Photo: Dreamworks Animation

2.- Fiona’s first transformation

After rescuing Princess Fiona from the castle with the dragon, Shrek and donkey go with the princess to Duloc. Something that does not happen quickly because halfway, Fiona insists that they find a place to sleep before sunset.

There it gives us an idea that there is something wrong with her, because after entering a cave with a stone as a door, she peeks through a crack and her appearance is different. The error in this scene is that at that time her skin color was not green and was more pink.

Was it because of the fire? We don’t think so…

Fiona demands that a makeshift house be put together for her before night falls. Photo: Dreamworks Animation
But then you don’t see your real color. Photo: Dreamworks Animation

1.- The arrow that Fiona takes from Shrek

Perhaps one of the mistakes that fans have noticed when watching ‘Shrek’. After Fiona beats up Robin Hood and his dancers/companions, the princess sees that an arrow they shot stuck in the butt of our beloved green ogre. And what was the mistake in this scene?

That seconds before, when Shrek is impressed by Fiona’s martial arts skills, we can see that he goes after the princess without any trace of said arrow. Something that basically makes us wonder where it came from.

Shrek is shocked to see Fiona fight. Photo: Dreamworks Animation
But then an arrow appears in his butt. Photo: Dreamworks Animation

As you can see, even masterpieces like ‘Shrek’ are not spared from continuity errors in the movies. Are there any other mistakes in the ‘Shrek’ movie that you guys have noticed?

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