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660 years old: Popular Frauenkirche in Nuremberg closed for renovation

The Frauenkirche is a real tourist magnet for Nuremberg – especially when the Christ Child appears on one of its balconies in the run-up to Christmas. But because a renovation is pending, it remains closed for the time being.

From the balcony of woman Church in Nuremberg, the Christkind always opens the world-famous Christkindlesmarkt. The church, which is popular with tourists, will now remain closed for months for renovations. From mid-March to the end of the year, the approximately 660-year-old Gothic building will no longer be accessible to visitors, the Catholic City Church of Nuremberg announced.

During this time, among other things, the works of art are to be cleaned and conserved, the church pews restored, the lighting and sound system renewed and the roof structure structurally renovated. The costs amount to an estimated 3.2 million euros. It is still unclear whether the church will be open again for the Christkindlesmarkt. However, the Christ Child will be able to open it from the gallery as usual.

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