95-year-old German woman sentenced for denying Holocaust

HAMBURG, GERMANY.– A German nonagenarian was sentenced this Wednesday on appeal by a Hamburg court to one year and four months in prison for denying the Holocaustgenocide of the Jews by the Nazis.

Ursula Haverbeck, 95, had been sentenced in 2015 in the first instance to ten months in prison for “inciting hatred”, after having declared that the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp was “just a work camp”.

The woman presented herself as a representative of “historical revisionism”, characterized by the denial of Holocaustand proclaimed herself a “fearless fighter for the truth.”

The appeal process, initially scheduled in 2018, was postponed several times, especially due to the covid pandemic.

At the Hamburg hearing, he was supported by supporters who interrupted the deliberations several times, the court spokesman said.

The accused is the widow of Werner Georg Haverbeck, a far-rightist who died in 1999, with whom she had founded the Collegium Humanum of Vlotho (central Germany) in 1963, presented as an educational center but known as a focus of denialism until its outlawing in 2008.

Auschwitz-Birkenau is the symbol of the genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany against six million European Jews, one million of whom died in that camp between 1940 and 1945.

Some 80,000 non-Jewish Poles, 25,000 Gypsies and 20,000 Soviet soldiers also died there.

Source: AFP

Tarun Kumar

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