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"A bottle of champagne almost every evening…" : Muriel Robin confides in her alcoholism

In an interview given to Télé-Loisirs for the broadcast of the TV film Eyes wide closedthis Monday October 2 on TF1, Muriel Robin addresses many personal subjects, including that of her alcoholism…

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On the occasion of the broadcast of the TV film Eyes wide closedthis Monday October 2 on TF1, Muriel Robin gave a moving interview to Tele-Leisure in which she addresses, among other things, her desire for motherhood, her fight against violence against women and, also, her past as an alcoholic…

“My father had the bad idea of ​​making me drink a bottle of Sancerre when I was only twelve years old” : Muriel Robin confides in her alcoholism

“I was a social alcoholic. Many people on this planet are and don’t recognize it. They lie to themselves” she admits, before explaining that she put a word on her illness after having “understood that it was abnormal to drink a bottle of champagne almost every evening. My father had the bad idea of ​​making me drink a bottle of Sancerre when I was only twelve years old. It immediately became part of my hard drive. I masked it with alcohol for a long time.” The actress then evokes the good influence exerted by her wife, Anne Le Nen : “Even though I had already started to work on myself, she told me, ‘If you want to destroy yourself, go ahead, but I can’t watch someone I love destroy themselves.’ is a chance to meet someone who tells you that. If I’m very honest, I only detached myself from the emotion and alcohol reflex a year ago. I met Anne at 51, I have today 68. I don’t know if I would have succeeded on my own because perhaps I would have still had hard blows or suffering that would have come back. Maybe I would have destroyed myself, maybe not, We’ll never know.”

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Muriel Robin, the serene and the fighter

In this same interview, the comedian and actress also addressed the subject of motherhood, insisting on the fact that her wish to become a mother, often mentioned in interviews over the years, was no longer a source of regret for her and his wife, Anne Le Nen: “We tried, but it didn’t work. Is it a regret? No, you shouldn’t have any” she said like this, with displayed and unfeigned serenity. But this calm can also sometimes give way to real anger, as when she strongly criticizes the lack of resources dedicated to the fight against violence against women: “It would take 1 billion euros, as in Spain (sum allocated over five years as part of a state pact against gender violence, editor’s note) to reduce this violence at least by half. We could save lives . We don’t do it. I’m torn between anger and sadness.” she says, while trying to contain herself… Serenity and anger, two sides of a sincere and touching woman.

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