A day to honor the role of the father

MIAMI.- This Sunday, June 16, the Day of the Padre in the United States and other countries around the world. The initiative for this family celebration originated in 1910, in the United States.

Then, a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd had the idea to honor her father, who raised her and her five siblings alone on a farm in Washington state. Initially, the proposal, which arose when Smart was listening to a sermon in church about Mother’s Day, was that the celebration be on June 5, her mother’s birthday.

According to history, it was in 1929 when the first official declaration of a National Father’s Day was made and was endorsed by President Calvin Coolidge (thirtieth president of the United States). USA). In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson (1963 -1969) established the third Sunday in June for this celebration.

This date is favorable to strengthen family ties, share at home and pamper the so-called kings of the house. The celebrations are related to both the cultural roots and customs of each family.

In this way, some eat meals at home, others go out to restaurants, parks or the movies: The options are diverse and also adapt to each pocket.

Father’s values

In 2023, the Papa Francisco He referred to some important aspects that each parent should follow with their children, the first being that they educate them according to their values. In the case of Christian parents, the message of the Supreme Pontiff is: “Do not get tired of talking to them about your faith.”

He also called on fathers to be present at home and to participate, along with mothers, in the upbringing of their children. The Pope pointed out that, to be a good father “it is necessary to try to teach what the son does not yet know, correct the errors that he does not yet see, guide his heart, protect him in discouragement and difficulty.”


Source: International Day Portal/ ACI Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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