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A friend of Daniel Sancho: “His mess with Edwin Arrieta could be bigger than we think”

Daniel Sancho's mother breaks her silence

The case of Daniel Sancho with the murder and dismemberment of Edwin Arrieta has all the ingredients to become a topic that will occupy headlines for months. As the days go by, details are emerging of how the events supposedly happened, the reasons that would have led the chef to commit such an atrocity by dismembering the victim for three hours, according to his story, and what could be behind it for Sancho to take that decision. There has been talk that both had sexual relations, that the surgeon lent him 10,000 euros to set up a restaurant, threats with some intimate photos and recently an appointment they had in Madrid came outbut as if all this were not enough, now a friend of the detainee assures that the issue “could be bigger than we think.”

Speaking for the magazine Week, a person from Daniel Sancho’s closest circle defends that behind all this matter there could be a lot of money. “There’s a lot more here… There could be a lot of money involved, but we are not talking about small amounts like the 10,000 euros to which Daniel has referred. We are talking about large quantities”, he assures. “His mess with Edwin Arrieta could be bigger than we think.”

According to this source, both have been friends since they were little, “I have known him since we were children”, they have shared all kinds of confidences for years and wanted to make it clear that Daniel “is not homosexual”. At this point it should be remembered that Sancho, in statements to the police, would have assured that he only had a friendship with Edwin, that they had had sexual relations and that they even exchanged intimate photos with which he would later have suffered the threats. “I’m guilty, but I was Edwin’s hostage. He held me hostage. It was a glass cage, but it was a cage. It made me destroy my relationship with my girlfriend, it forced me to do things that I would never have done,” Daniel said.

A former teammate of Sancho: “We were not surprised”

The presence of the news in the media of a good part of the world has caused many people who know Daniel Sancho to come out to offer their impressions or their memories of him. A former schoolmatefor example, has offered an interview for code 10 in four in which describes Rodolfo Sancho’s son as “narcissistic and arrogant”.

Although the most striking of all was his reaction when he found out that Sancho had allegedly murdered Edwin Arrieta: “We weren’t surprised and freaked out that he was involved in a dismemberment, but we weren’t surprised that he was in a mess”. According to him, “he was a kid who, from his social position, could see a little that he did what he wanted, that it was not going to have consequences.” “This was done at school. He rolled it up, he put himself in a good way and that’s just the same. I have seen her statements and it reminds me a lot of school. At school I could mess her up and do the same thing that she is doing, ”she added. He even assures that Sancho was dispatched against the teachers: “He was the one who was most involved with them and, depending on the person, if he saw you weaker or something like that, he would go for you.”

Edwin’s lawyer says they have “new evidence”

Miguel Ángel González Sánchez, the lawyer appointed by Edwin Arrieta’s family, has assured in the last few hours that they have new evidence that could incriminate Daniel Sancho. “We have more information, quite strong and quite solid, which is not known and which points to his guilt.. Information that was also transferred to the Colombian consul in Thailand and that is currently subject to confidentiality.

The new evidence forcefully incriminates the defendant”, added Miguel Ángel before making it clear that he is not at all interested in the reasons that would have led Daniel Sancho to commit the crime. “We are not interested in why he did it. The cruelty with which he acted and what he generated after credits the service with which he acted and that is enough ”.

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