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A journalist denounces a sexual assault by the mascot of the Internacional de Porto Alegre

A journalist denounces a sexual assault by the mascot of the Internacional de Porto Alegre

The Brazilian journalist Gisele Kmpel, an employee of the Monumental radio station, has filed a complaint against the mascot of Internacional de Porto Alegre for an alleged sexual assault during the match between the Rio Grande do Sul team and Gremio, which ended with a victory for Los Colorados with a goal in the 98th minute.

The reporter has told on her Twitter account what happened on the grass of the Beira-Rio stadium. Unfortunately the match ended in sexual harassment by the mascot towards me. Another day of women wanting to do their job in football and suffering with idiots who are criminals. I’m going to the end so that no other woman goes through thishe wrote after passing by the police station to report the facts.

In an interview with the Ge website, Kmpel said that the behavior of the pet, named Saci, was strange from the beginning. At first they were gestures, but after the final goal the mascot hugged him and ended up pushing his head back as if he were giving him a kiss. I could hear the click of the kiss and feel his sweat, he says.

The precedent of Hugo Mallo

The Spanish footballer Hugo Mallo plays in the Brazilian team, who has a open case for a sexual assault against Espanyol’s mascot. The Criminal Court number 19 of the city of Barcelona will host an oral trial against the former Celta de Vigo captain on July 11, as this same newspaper reported.

When Hugo Mallo reached the pets, he gave the parakeet his hand as is usually done, but when he reached Mrs. Ana, who at that moment was playing the role of the parakeet, He put his hands under the costume and touched her breasts, according to the victim’s complaint to the Mossos d’Esquadra. According to the witness, he grabbed her breasts with his hands and began to make movements, he adds.

The alleged victim and the Prosecutor’s Office request that Mallo receive a 24-month fine that will go to the State, as stated in article 181.1 of the Penal Code. The footballer, who at all times has defended his innocence, once again denied the facts through a statement from his agency in which they asked for maximum respect for Hugo and his family.

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