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A man dies hit by the Metro who went down to the train tracks to urinate

A man dies hit by the Metro who went down to the train tracks to urinate

And 30-year-old man has died in Madrid hit by the Metro, after going down to the train tracks, supposedly to urinate. The event took place at the Tirso de Molina station, on Line 1 of the capital’s subway.

According to reports EFE, it was around 9:20 a.m. on Monday, May 6, when this collision occurred at the aforementioned station. Police sources assured that The man had gone down to the tracks with another man who accompanied him. The latter managed to return to the platform in time, while the other passenger was run over.

The Samur-Civil Protection paramedics could only certify the death of the man who was run over. Madrid Metro reported that, as a consequence of the collision, traffic on Line 1 between the Sol and Estacin del Arte stations remained interrupted in both ways. According to the SER Chainla interruptin del servicio se extendi por three hours.

In addition to medical personnel, the firefighters from the Madrid City Council, who were in charge of removing the body lifeless of the man under the convoy cars, according to Madrid Emergency sources. The Police are already working on the investigation of the facts to clarify the causes.

However, it is not the first time that a similar event has happened in the Madrid underground. Without going any further, last March, a young man from 19 year old died after being trapped between the gap between the train and the platform from the Arganda del Rey station, on Line 9 of the Madrid Metro. In his case, the Samur-Civil Protection paramedics could only confirm the death of the young man.

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