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A new lie by Daniel Sancho is discovered

The supposed “double life” that Daniel Sancho led behind the backs of his family and friends is once again the subject of news. Little by little new lies of the son of Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo are being known while the young man remains in provisional detention in the Koh Samui prison awaiting the trial where he will be sentenced to life imprisonment or the death penalty.

The defendant’s closest circle was unaware of the strange relationship he had with Edwin Arrieta, the Colombian surgeon he murdered and dismembered in Thailand; neither personal nor professional. To this hidden aspect of his life is now added his umpteenth lie. And it is that Daniel Sancho boasted of being a cook and having a hamburger restaurant in Madrid; Nothing is further from reality. Something that was already suspected as his name did not appear in the Mercantile Registry.

This Thursday, ‘OkDiario’ confirms these suspicions by contacting the true owner of ‘Boogie’. “I was not a chef. He ran the social networks ”, confirms the former boss of Daniel Sancho. “It is a lie that he was a chef, more than managing marketing, we loved him because he moved very well in Madrid. He knew a lot of people ”, the owner of this place continues to reveal.

“He is not a partner or anything. There is no contact with him.”, makes it clear with the firm intention of dissociating himself from the confessed murderer of Edwin Arrieta after all the commotion generated in the last month. As they publish from the aforementioned medium, the owner of the establishment completely denies the one who at some point was his collaborator. It should be remembered that ‘Boogie’ closed a few days after the crime came to light, although it was all a coincidence since the employees were on vacation. Today they are working normally.


Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, detained in Thailand. STRINGERREUTERS

his other big lie

In his first statement, Daniel Sancho admitted to being guilty of the crime, but alleging that he was “the hostage” of Edwin Arrieta and that he lived “in a glass cage” with the Colombian surgeon. The young man expressed being under threats from his victim and that this led him to end his life. As for how they met, The Spaniard explained that the first contact had started on Instagram when the doctor texted him.

However, the defendant’s environment denies it. Daniel Sancho’s friends state in ‘OkDiario’ that they met in a well-known nightclub located in the Salamanca district of Madrid. A nightlife spot frequented by clients with a high purchasing power.

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