It’s just annoying. It’s been two years PlayStation 5 sometimes more and sometimes less on the market and we’re still miles away from the right ones “Next Gen” games away. The big blockbuster titles of 2022, such as Horizon Forbidden West or God of War: Ragnarok they all look fantastic, but under the polished facade it still smells like 2018 and Playstation 4. How can it be that, although Sony has meanwhile increased the price of the PS5 by 50 euros, despite the high-end technology, we always do still have to choose between smooth gameplay or 4K resolution? Does the Playstation 5 simply not have it anymore, or are the games simply not optimized well enough out of consideration for the last generation? I have a very simple solution to offer.

Playstation 5 Pro: Buttery smooth gameplay at 4K

Please Sony just give us one PlayStation 5 (buy now €739.00 )Per. Maybe I’m too naive and/or technically far too little versed. But I would just like to have a PS5 where you don’t have to worry about anything anymore. Dear developers, I know it’s the least you can do about it. But please spare me a performance mode, get rid of me with a resolution mode. I want to start my game on the Playstation 5 Pro and just enjoy it. Full 4K resolution at 60 FPS, ray tracing and other nonsense. Without sliders, without advanced graphics settings.

Playstation 5 Pro: How much can it cost?

I would dig deep into my pocket for a Playstation 5 Pro. If Sony guarantees me that my character will be in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 constantly and without tricks, including raytracing in 4K and with 60 FPS through urban canyons and swinging over my monitor, I would immediately put 800 euros on the table.

This may sound a bit strange in times of inflation and energy crisis, but gaming is my hobby and my passion. I don’t value expensive vacations in St TropezI only own two pairs of shoes and I’m not above picking up a product in the supermarket from time to time best before date 30 percent discount justified on a red price tag.

Other people spend hundreds of dollars on adamantium-tipped darts, thousand-year-old whiskey, or leopard-print Gucci slippers. So I’ll be able to afford a console that has the label “next gen” rightly wears. I want next year games with the Unreal Engine 5 were forged, welcomed with open arms and played without any limitations in terms of performance. For that I would, without batting an eyelid, get one Playstation 5 Pro for 800 euros Afford. I would have to hide this pleasure purchase from my partner, but that’s another story.


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