You are currently viewing “A scam”: the creator of Daredevil tackles the upcoming reboot of the series

While the production of Daredevil: Born Again is at a standstill due to the strike of American writers and actors, Steven DeKnight, the creator of the Netflix series, violently blocked the upcoming reboot on Disney+.

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Almost four years after its cancellation, Marvel confirmed at San Diego Comic-Con that a sequel to Daredevil would indeed see the light of day on Disney+. This new series, considered a reboot, will include eighteen episodes and will be part of Phase 5 of the MCU (Marvel Cinematographic Universe), which started last February with the film Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. News which delighted fans of the superhero, whose series on Netflix was canceled at the end of its third season, but which did not at all please the showrunner and creator, Steven DeKnight.

It’s an old Disney scam“: the creator of Daredevil furious with Disney

If viewers are eager to discover the upcoming reboot of Daredevil, this is not at all the case for Steven DeKnight, the creator of the Netflix series. When a member of the IATSE union (International Alliance of Stage, Theater and Cinema Employees) stated on the social network Daredevil was “a scam designed to reset contract terms“, Steven DeKnight agreed, venting his anger against Disney. “This is an old Disney scam. They rename a series slightly to reset contract terms. This must be addressed by all unions“, he declared. The future series will in fact be titled Daredevil: Born Againand is presented by Disney as a new original fiction, and not a fourth season. I can’t wait to see Charlie Cox and the brilliant Vincent D’Onofrio reprise their cult roles. But to pretend that this is a total reboot and that you don’t have to pay the original creative team is a corporate scam, to say the least.” added Steven DeKnight.

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Daredevil : the reboot affected by the actors’ and screenwriters’ strike

As the writers’ and actors’ strike continues to rage in the United States, Marvel Studios announced earlier this month the postponement of several of its upcoming series, including Daredevil: Born Again. If no release date has yet been revealed, viewers should expect to find Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio, who respectively reprized their roles of the superhero Daredevil and his enemy, The Kingpin. Only Deborah Ann Woll, who played Karen Page, claimed not to have been contacted by Marvel. “They haven’t contacted me yet. So right now I’m not one of them.“, she confided on the microphone of the podcast Inside of You. Failing to have Deborah Ann Woll in the casting of the upcoming reboot, Marvel has recruited actresses Margarita Levieva (In service of the past) and Sandrine Holt (Better Call Saul), whose roles are still kept secret.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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