Elon Musk likes to question Internet users on multiple subjects. The billionaire has just confronted them with a difficult dilemma: to choose between Twitter “which makes people depressed” and Instagram “which makes them angry”. Enough to generate a slew of responses, serious or not, under the publication.

Elon Musk © Pixabay

Since he is at the head of the blue bird, the whimsical billionaire regularly launches consultations via his personal account. At the end of December, Elon Musk notably asked users if he should resign as director. Before that, he had also launched a consultation on whether or not to restore the suspended Twitter accounts, the “yes” having largely won.

This Monday, the businessman opposed two competing social networks by matching them each with a negative remark. “Instagram makes people depressed and Twitter makes them angry. Which is better?”, launched Elon Musk. What arouse an avalanche of reactions under its publication.

Instagram vs Twitter: Elon Musk opens the debate

Between two troll messages promoting TikTok, Twitch or even Pornhub, we were able to find well-argued answers. And even downright scientific like that of Dr. Jordan B Peterson:

“Anger has at least one positive emotion intertwined (neurologically it’s a combination of positive and negative emotions), and it can be useful, especially as a defense. Sadness and contrition can also be helpful, but the general paralysis induced by true depression seems to be just noxious pain. So I would say Twitter”.

To read> Elon Musk invites to complain on his Twitter and receives 83,000 responses

Among the waves of responses, it is difficult to find defenders of Instagram. “Twitter gives me news and keeps me informed. Instagram shows me photos of people I don’t care about and now tries to morph into TikTok. I will choose Twitter”explains in particular a user.

For his part, Elon Musk had already scolded Instagram, accusing him of depressing others. According to the billionaire, the social network tends to make people more beautiful and happier “than they really are”. And by dint of seeing publications showing “attractive and happy people”, users may think: “I’m not that good looking and I’m not that happy. So I must suck.”

And you, which social network do you prefer? Tell us in the comments !


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