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Actor Charlie Sheen attacked at his Malib residence

Actor Charlie Sheen attacked at his Malib residence

LOS ANGELES.- He actor United States Charlie Sheen was attacked in his luxurious home in Malib, California, Police reported Friday, and the suspect was arrested and charged with assault and robbery.

In a statement, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said it received a call about of aggression/perturbation at the comedy star’s house Two and a Half Men. “Once they contacted the parties involved, agents identified Charlie Sheen as the assault victim,” he reported.

The suspect identified as Electra Schrock was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon causing potential serious harm or injury and residential burglary, according to the sheriff’s office.

The aggression

The entertainment portal TMZ said that Schrock, 47, is one of Sheen’s neighbors, and that: “she forced her way into the house and attacked him when he opened the door.”

“We were informed that he ripped Charlie’s shirt and attempted to strangle him,” the report stated, adding that Sheen was checked by paramedics but was not taken to a hospital.

TMZ said this was not the first confrontation between the neighbors, and that in a previous incident Sheen’s vehicle was sprayed with a sticky liquid.

Sheen, 58, is a Hollywood star known for his bad boy lifestyle, which has seen him involved in episodes of substance abuse, violence and relationships with porn actresses. He has acted in films such as Platoon, Wall Street y Young Guns.

His career on the small screen includes his participation in Spin City and as the protagonist in Two and a Half Mena series loosely based on his reputation as an inveterate party animal.


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