Actor Nick Pasqual accused of stabbing his ex-girlfriend

MIAMI.- He actor Nick Pasqual, who had a brief appearance in the seventh season of How I Met You Mother, was accused of attacking his ex-girlfriend, makeup artist Allie Shehorn, with a knife, causing injuries to her neck, arms and abdomen.

According to reports from the fiscal from Los Angeles, Pasqual entered the early morning of May 23 at Shehorn’s home, located in Shadow Hills, in Los Angeles. It was then that the 34-year-old man attacked her and stabbed her repeatedly.

It was reported that Allie was rushed to a nearby hospital.

“He inflicted great bodily injury on the victim in circumstances involving domestic violence and personally used a knife during the commission of the crime. We will ensure that the individual responsible for this heinous act is held accountable for his actions,” the county district attorney said. from Los Angeles.


The interpreter was detained at a border checkpoint between the United States and Mexico on May 29, and faces the charges for first-degree residential burglary with a person present and attempted murder. If the authorities find him guilty, the actor faces life imprisonment.

At the moment, it was learned that Allie Shehorn was in the intensive care unit, but she is now out of danger and requested a restraining order against Pasqual.

The makeup artist is still hospitalized.

Relatives of the victim opened an account on the GoFundme platform to raise funds to help cover Shehorn’s medical expenses.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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