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Actress Carrie Bernans, from Black Panther and Avengers, seriously injured after an accident

Actress Carrie Bernans, from Black Panther and Avengers, seriously injured after an accident

Actress Carrie Bernans, known for her performances in the films Black Panther and Avengers: Endgame, He was the victim of an accident in the early hours of December 31 to January 1 while he was in a Manhattan restaurant. A man, who was fleeing a police chase, crashed into the establishment, causing nine injuries.

The actress’s mother has been in charge of reporting the events, in addition to publishing the photographer about how her daughter’s face was seriously injured, who had to be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a local hospital. The part of the body that has had the most damage has been the face, where it has had to be operated on for several fractures.

She was involved in an incident where a man about 40-year-old man was trying to escape from a car accident and crashed into several cars before hitting a food stand where the victim was, he said. It ended with her being knocked unconscious, she has added her mother to her Instagram account.

She has some broken bones, fractures, and chipped teeth, but she thanks God she’s alive. Nine people were injured in their attempt to escape the accident, including three police officers.continued the mother, who has publicly thanked all the people who helped her daughter during the accident and the moments after it.

Escaped and later arrested

The person responsible for the accident, who had previously committed a crime for which he was being pursued, fled after committing the accident. However, shortly after he was arrested by the Police. Her mother has also clarified that her son, born a few days ago to the actress, was not with her.

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