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Actress Isabelle Adjani, sentenced to two years in prison and 250,000 euros for tax fraud

Actress Isabelle Adjani, sentenced to two years in prison and 250,000 euros for tax fraud

New scandal in French cinema. Isabelle Adjanione of the most successful faces of the French and global industry, president of the Cannes Festival jury since 1997, has been sentenced to two years in prison exempt and a fine of 250,000 euros for tax fraud and money laundering. According to different local media, and as confirmed by EFE, this crime would have been committed by evading the corresponding taxes for declare your fixed domicile in Portugal.

He Paris Correctional Court has been firm in its condemnation of the 68-year-old performer, considering that she intentionally avoided paying a gift tax that amounts to 12 million euros. He did the same with another benefits report in which he avoided paying 236.000 euros. In this way, a case whose origin is directly linked to the revelation of the so-called Panama Papers, where the actress’s name appeared. This process is added to another for a transfer of 120,000 euros through an undeclared North American account and for which she was also judged.

A sublime career

It is finished producing the descent into procedural hell from one of the most recognized European names on the international film scene. His debut in the industry occurred at the young age of Le Petit Bougnat. Just two years later, in 1972, his roles in women’s school y Ondine They established her as the face of the successful Comdie-Franaise. He wasn’t even 20 years old yet.

In 1975, his incarnation of Adle Hugo in Adele H’s intimate diary. It earned him the Oscar nomination. She was 19 years old and the youngest woman to receive a nomination. We had to wait three decades for someone to break this record. Some time later, back in 1989, she was nominated again for an Oscar for her role in The Pasin of Camille Claudelwhich turned him, de facto, into the first woman to receive two nominations for the industry’s flagship award.


Still from ‘Nosferatu’

His palmares is written with five Csar awards the actress who has the most in historytwice best performer at the Cannes Film Festival and a Silver Bear. He has worked with directors of the stature of Roman Polanski and Walter Hill, as well as shared films with countless transgenerational actors and actresses for more than half a century. All this earned him the nickname of La Sublimesomeone whose career has not escaped controversy due to the excessive secrecy that hangs over his private life and who now, in court, looks somewhat more cracked.

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