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Actress Nria Espert is awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of London

Actress Nria Espert is awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of London

LONDON.- The actress Spanish Nria Espert was invested doctor honoris causa in Literature by the University of London, in a ceremony at the residence of the Spanish ambassador in the British capital, José Pascual Marco.

The 88-year-old Catalan actress and director, awarded by the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, one of the great British schools of dramatic art, said she was happy and grateful for such a prestigious honor.

The career and long career in film and theater of Nria Espert, winner of the Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts in 2016, was praised at the event by those responsible for the London academic institution.

Actress with dominant force

“Nria Espert has been a dominant force on the Spanish stage for more than 70 years as an actress and director,” said the Vice-Rector for Research at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, María Delgado.

“It seems right to recognize these achievements in the city where I debuted as a director with Bernarda Alba’s house in 1986, a production that the playwright Arnold Wesker saw as responsible for opening the doors of Lorca in the United Kingdom,” added Delgado.

The London teaching institution noted in a statement that Nria Espert’s enormous contribution to theater for more than 70 years is unparalleled.

“Her versatility as a performer has earned her recognition on national and international stages and her work as a director has consistently garnered critical acclaim, showcasing her multifaceted talent and creative vision,” the text adds.

The University of London also highlighted the artist’s opposition to the regime of dictator Francisco Franco in Spain (1939-1975).

“Her impact extends beyond the stage. An open opponent of the Franco regime, she remains an important figure in Spain and beyond its borders,” explained the text from the University of London.


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