Actress Shannen Doherty renounces material objects due to her advanced cancer

MIAMI.- The actress Shannen Doherty claims to be preparing for her death, because he suffers from cancer breast cancer in stage 4 and with bone metastases. And to do this, the interpreter points out that little by little she has begun to get rid of the material objects she owns to relieve her relatives of that process when she is no longer here.

In an episode of his podcast Lets Be Clear, the 52-year-old woman explained that despite being a painful dynamic, she helps her loved ones make a smoother transition.

“It feels like you’re giving up something that was very special and important to you. But you know it’s the right thing to do and that it will give you a sense of peace and calm. Because you’re helping the people you leave behind have a smoother transition.” “clean and easy.”

She noted that she understands that her family and friends will never be the same after her death, but emphasized that the process also allows her to be at peace.

“I know it’s never going to be easy for the people in my life, but maybe it’s more about peace of mind for myself.”

Give up a life

With this purpose in mind, Doherty, who gained international recognition for his participation in Beverly Hills, 90210 y Charmed, is donating and selling some of his belongings and furniture from his home. And although he confessed that he is not enjoying it, he reflected on whether he really needs any of the objects.

“Do I really need any of that? Do I need to have three dining tables? The answer is no, none of us really need all the things we have, and we could all do with downsizing a little and not become hoarders like I was doing.” with all my furniture.”

However, the actress is not discouraged by this stance. She claimed that with the money she collected from the sales she could use it for new experiences for her mother.

“My priority right now is my mother, I know it’s going to be hard for her if I die before her. It’s going to be so hard, I want other things to be a lot easier. I don’t want her to have to deal with a lot of things.” “I don’t want him to have four warehouses full of furniture.”

He said he hopes his mother has the opportunity to take trips to places she always wanted to go.

“I have the opportunity to make different memories, I have the opportunity to make memories with the people I love. I’m not digging into the money in my estate to make sure that everyone in my life is taken care of.”

Those are the things that matter most. Not your possessions, not what you have.


Since 2015, Doherty has been fighting the disease.

However, in 2020 it revealed that the tumor had already advanced to stage four. In 2023, he stated that he had to undergo brain surgery, in addition to receiving radiotherapy treatment in the area because the cancer had spread.

In November of last year, in an interview she gave to People, Shannen noted that she now had bone metastases.

Their life expectancy is between three and five years.

Faced with the difficult panorama, the actress indicated that she has found her true purpose. “When you ask yourself: Why me? Why did I have cancer? and Why has the cancer come back? Why am I in stage 4?, that leads you to seek a greater purpose in life.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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