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Adara Molinero reveals health problem she suffered in ‘Survivors’

During his participation in survivors, Adara Molinero was the target of much criticism for abdominal swelling that she had to deal with for several weeks. For many viewers, Elena Rodríguez’s daughter was cheating by feeding behind the production’s back. However, the reason for this small problem had a health background.

It was Molinero herself who said in her Instagram stories that, after undergoing a large number of medical tests, health workers have detected that suffers from SIBO. This syndrome is characterized by a high amount of bacteria in the small intestine that in turn passes into the large intestine and begins to cause abdominal pain., diarrhea, bloating or nausea, among other things. In short, a problem that is not advisable for a program like Survivors.

“I had a positive SIBO test, meaning I have SIBO. I wanted to talk about a topic that is my bloating on Survivors. He judged me, pointed the finger and told me that he was eating from behind on a survival show. I just wanted to talk about this, because you cannot judge people without knowing what is behind them, whether it is a swelling or any other situation. Don’t judge”, Hugo Sierra’s ex-partner has settled.

After having won VIP Big BrotherAdara could only be second in survivors. The only one who got overcome it was Bosco Martínez Bordiú, with whom she began a relationship in the program that term some days ago.

In the hands of professionals

Since she learned she had SIBO, Adara has put herself in the hands of doctors to improve her health. While she was on the island she has assured not being aware of the abdominal swelling “due to not having mirrors”, but upon returning to Spain and after undergoing all the testshired a nutritionist to follow a balanced diet that would help her eating disorder.

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