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After mega Zoff with Pietro – Laura works alone on children’s furniture

Hopefully the singer doesn’t take THESE pictures the wrong way.

Pietro Lombardi (30) has been particularly concerned about his pregnant fiancé in recent weeks Laura Maria Rypa (27). The reason: The influencer is struggling with some complications in her pregnancy, was already in the hospital because of premature labor and the risk of premature birth.

Pietro’s sweetheart has been back home for over a week, but the father-to-be wants her to do as little as possible alone. Because of her pregnancy complications, Laura has been placed on strict bed rest. But the influencer can’t really get used to that.

Only recently Laura and Pietro had a lot of Zoff. The singer openly admitted in his podcast, which he runs together with Laura: “I freaked out, people.” Why Pietro Lombardi yelled at his fiancee and Laura “Get really scared for the first time” of Pietro, read here.

The brawlers have since reconciled, but Laura, a bundle of energy, now shows herself in her Instagram story as she works alone on the children’s room for her son, who is due to be born early next year.

Laura’s ball is now pretty round, the date of birth is getting closer

Photo: lauramaria.rpa/Instagram

While she is sitting on the floor of the children’s room and screwing on the furniture for her baby, she writes in her story: “I still set up a little something (…)”. .

Lombardi-Junior will be comfortable there: Laura presents her followers with the finished children’s room

Photo: lauramaria.rpa/Instagram

In Laura’s Instagram story, Pietro makes it clear that there are no rumors of separation after the argument. “We’re together!” He says, showing the fans: These two can’t be separated by a fight! If they do, they will probably get back together quickly – Laura and Pietro were separated six times before the pregnancy …

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