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After retiring in 2021 – Luke Mockridge is back on TV here

Comedian Luke Mockridge (33) retired from television in 2021. He had previously been accused of sexualized violence against an ex-girlfriend on the Internet and in the magazine “Der Spiegel”. Mockridge denied the allegations. An investigation was set up.

Now he’s fighting his way back to TV!

The performances of Mockridge are slowly piling up again. On December 9 last year, Sat.1 briefly showed Luke Mockridge’s live program “A Way back to Luckyland” at 8:15 p.m. – with manageable ratings. However, the quarter-finals of the soccer World Cup also took place that evening.

The comedian composed a song especially for the show, in which he sings: “Are you still goin’ to watch my show? Even though I’m the guy with the sex scandal…” (Eng. Will you still watch my show? Even if I’m the guy with the sex scandal…) program he addressed his case.

The broadcast of the “Traumschiff” episode, which was shown on Boxing Day, was significantly better than his live program. In it, Mockridge was seen alongside Florian Silbereisen (41) and Wayne Carpendale (45). Rating: 5.71 million viewers.

Played a friendly trio: (from left) Florian Silbereisen, Luke Mockridge and Wayne Carpendale

Photo: ZDF and Dirk Bartling

On Wednesday Sat.1 shows the show “Germany’s best comedians”. The show was recorded in October last year. Mockridge is one of twelve comedians appearing on the show. Among others: Chris Tall (31), Mirja Boes (51), Dieter Nuhr (62) and Abdelkarim (41).

The show is the follow-up event to the German Comedy Award and should – if the ratings are good – run once a year in the future. Otherwise things are looking better for Mockridge again. His new tour “Trippy” starts on February 1st.

According to BILD information, it has not yet been decided whether further TV appearances or even own shows will follow in the course of the year.

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