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After separation: Anna-Carina Woitschack and Stefan Mross are back with a shared emotional message

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Of: Claire Weiss


On November 11, Anna-Carina Woitschack and Stefan Mross made their separation official. The pop singer has had a new man in her life for a long time. But she doesn’t seem to want to let go of her Stefan yet.

Traunstein – The separation of Anna-Carina Woitschack (30) and Stefan Mross (47) is almost seven weeks ago. The two pop singers still don’t want to fight a war of roses. Stefan Mross in particular is currently showing his peaceful side. Some others would have made their anger public if the still-wife had a new man by her side so soon after the separation.

Anna-Carina Woitschack and Stefan Mross make a public declaration of peace

It was only at Christmas that the 30-year-old shared a romantic photo on Instagram that showed her in love with her Daniel. Anna-Carina’s version of “All I want for Christmas” is playing in the background. “No gift can be more beautiful,” sings the pop singer, “what I need for Christmas is you”. A clear declaration of love to the key account manager who has won her heart. Stefan Mross still wishes his ex the best.

Anna Carina Woitschack and Stefan Mross on the TV show “Das Große Schlagerjubiläum 2022” at the end of October – even then there was a crisis between the two. © IMAGO/Frederic Kern

In a joint Instagram post, the ex-couple writes: “It’s incredibly important to both of us to continue to act as a ‘team’, or as one of our duets puts it, ‘Strong as two’.” “A separation can also work with understanding for each other”, explain the hit stars. They make it clear that they parted on good terms.

Stefan Mross and Anna-Carina Woitschack – their love story began with an appearance on “Always Again on Sundays”:

In June 2016, Anna-Carina Woitschack was a guest on “Always Sundays” and also met Stefan Mross there. Four months later, the two met again at a party. “We started talking – and haven’t stopped to this day,” says Stefan Mross. Since then, Anna-Carina Woitschack and Stefan Mross have been considered the hit dream couple par excellence. The engagement followed in November 2019 in front of an audience of millions on the TV show “The Advent Festival of 100,000 Lights”. The dream wedding also took place on a live broadcast: With Florian Silbereisen as best man, Anna-Carina Woitschack and Stefan Mross married on June 6, 2020 on the ARD show “Schlagerlovestory.2020”.

Schlager fans are impressed by how well Anna-Carina and Stefan deal with the separation

The post is well received by fans. “Respect how you do it all!” Writes an Instagram user. Another comments: “I wish you very much that you remain friendly.” And a third is particularly impressed by Stefan Mross: “Respect Stefan, how you deal with it!”

At Carmen Nebel, Anna-Carina Woitschack and Stefan Mross performed together at Christmas. Because the show was recorded before their separation. Fans found it “to be ashamed of”. Sources used: Instagram/Anna-Carina Woitschack

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