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After the birth of Loredana Wollny’s baby: fans react with the worst comments

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On December 19, Loredana Wollny gave birth to her first child. She makes her happiness clear in an Instagram post. Unfortunately, the hate comments are not long in coming.

Heinsberg – Loredana Wollny (18) has become a mom. Four weeks too early, her baby saw the light of day. The proud mom announced her happiness on Instagram, but was quickly surprised by nasty hate comments. Many Instagram users are harshly critical of the young mother.

After the birth of Loredana Wollny’s baby: the reactions on the net are so nasty

“My angel saw the light of day, mom and dad are super proud of you, not everything went according to plan, but every moment since you’ve been in the world is wonderful,” enthuses Loredana Wollny in her post. You can see her holding her newborn in the hospital bed. “Yesterday at 2:40 am I saw you for the first time and I felt what love means!!” the 18-year-old continues.

But the young mother is quickly surprised with nasty hate comments. “You’re still as young as I am and you still have your whole life ahead of you,” criticized an Instagram user. “Oh god, child welcomes child,” shares another. Another writes: “And you have to tell the whole world right away and market the child after a few hours so that money comes in, especially for your family general.”

Mean age for pregnancy

Most couples have their first child later and later. In 2010, the average age of pregnancy was around 29 years. Ten years later at 30. Time will tell whether the trend will continue.

Source: destatis

Fans protect Loredana Wollny after birth

But where hatred can be read, many congratulations and positive reactions can also be found: A fan is completely horrified by the hate under the post: “Some people can only shake their heads. She just had one birth which isn’t easy and some bullshit around here. How can some people be so hateful to say something like that? Really bad”. “If you have nothing to say, it’s best not to say anything at all,” writes another fan of the young Wollny-Mama.

Loredana Wollny is overjoyed to finally be a mom and gave birth to a healthy baby. That’s the most important. The 18-year-old doesn’t let hate comments get her down. Loredana Wollny has already proven that in the past. Because of Instagram users’ harsh criticism of her and her baby, she kept her pregnancy a secret for the most part. Sources used:

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