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After the violent criticism of Anthony Bourbon, Jean-Sébastien (Who wants to be my partner) speaks

The sequence was striking, to say the least. This Wednesday, January 4, M6 launched the new season of its show Who wants to be my partner?. In it, entrepreneurs meet major investors in order to raise funds and see further in their various projects. Among the candidates, a couple of farmers, Jean-Sébastien and Marine Schils, who came to present their project which they have been developing for several months, that of a reusable and ecological straw, created from rye. But during their presentation, while they are far from being accustomed to this type of presentation, they had to deal with harsh remarks from one of the investorsAnthony Bourbon.

Who wants to be my partner? : Anthony Bourbon not convinced by the couple of farmers

The creator of Feed, who is more accustomed to discussing with the french tech rather than the bales in the hay, did not really appreciate that the couple of farmers were content with a speech learned by heart: “The pitch was complicated, it was very much by heart, you don’t get a lot of emotion, it’s a shame.” Doubtful in the face of these remarks, Marc Simoncini tries to defend them, highlighting the stress. But that is not enough for Anthony Bourbon: “In the meantime, they come looking for money, so we can’t always complain to them either.” It is also essentially for this reason that the investor skips his turn, which did not annoy Jean-Sébastien or his companion, as he tells Tele-Leisure : “We didn’t take it the wrong way at all, I understand his point of view, he’s right, we’re not pitchers, we recited our pitch because it was important to us not to make mistakes (… ) I understand that Anthony Bourbon didn’t appreciate our pitch, we don’t have that talent and I didn’t want to do too much, it’s not nature, it’s not us, I wanted us to sees us as we are.”

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“It’s not easy to give us up”testifies the couple of farmers

Their testimony, very emotional, was not easy to live with for the couple who lived through a painful childhood, just like Anthony Bourbon: Basically, sincerely, we found ourselves in the story of Anthony Bourbonbut we did not necessarily expect an investment from him (…) for us, it’s not easy to open up, it’s a complicated exercise, we both had difficult childhoods, and today, to pass in front of cameras, to open up, transmitting is not easy, there is a lot of emotion that comes out.”

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