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Against the grain 2: the author of the novels denies a rumor and announces good news

After weeks of suspense, we finally have good news regarding Against the grain 2, expected soon on Prime Video. While the film seemed to be called into question following the arrest of Gabriel Guevara (Nick), the author of the novels has just denied a rumor and provided information that will delight fans.

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Big success on Prime Video in summer 2023, the film Against the direction (Culpa Mia in original version) has not said its last word. Following numerous viewings (the film is still currently the most viewed feature film on the platform in the world, four months after its release), the streaming platform announced two sequels: Against the grain 2 And Against the grain 3 will arrive soon. But a few days after the start of filming for the second part, the saga faced a scandal: the actor Gabriel Guevara, the interpreter of Nick, was arrested at the Venice Film Festival for sexual assault, following an arrest warrant issued by France. Since then, the actor’s lawyer has spoken out, explaining that it was all just a misunderstanding and that these were facts dating back several years, for which the actor was acquitted. While waiting for the matter to calm down, Prime Video had paused filming and rumors were circulating about a possible replacement of the actor. While the platform had not given any further news, the author of the novels, Mercedes Ron, has just reassured fans.

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Against the grain 2 : author Mercedes Ron announces the resumption of filming

In full promotion for his latest novel, 10,000 millas to enroll which will be released at the end of October in Spanish-speaking countries, Mercedes Ron gave good news regarding the continuation ofAgainst the direction. In an interview with Los 40, the author assured that everything was back to normal regarding Gabriel Guevara and that filming of the second part had resumed. Asked about the arrest of Nick’s interpreter, she confided: “Now things are much better because we know it was a mistake and he has already been able to return. They turn again and I’m super happy.” And to add about the actor: “I always trusted him and what he told me. I’m very sad that this happened and very happy that it didn’t interfere with filming and that everything was resolved. But it was a pretty complicated moment“. Gabriel Guevara should therefore not be replaced in the rest of the saga, as some feared. All that is missing is the officialization of the resumption of filming to celebrate!

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Against the direction : how many novels did Mercedes Ron write?

If the first film in the saga adapts the first novel centered on Nick and Noah, Prime Video could well have found its new franchise at the After. Indeed, the author from Argentina has written three novels around the characters, published in six volumes in France. To find out what will happen to Nick and Noah, you can obviously read the novels but also discover our article on what awaits us in the second film according to the book. The release date ofAgainst the grain 2 has not been revealed at this time.

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