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Aitana returns to Operacin Triunfo

Aitana returns to Operacin Triunfo

The prodigal daughter When Operation Triumph returned in 2017, so did the dreams of an entire generation that saw with adventurous eyes the opportunity to become the next big star of Spanish music. There were many participants in that edition who, indeed, triumphed after leaving the Academy. The tip of the banner was a very young Aitana who, to this day, It fills stadiums no matter what country the plane lands in.

That is why it is so emotional to see how the extriumphite will return to where it all began to surprise the eleven candidates left standing, those who are what she once was, of the present edition of OT. This is how he revealed it Something’s up TV through Instagram, causing a veritable tsunami of reactions. The date marked with a marker on the calendar is next Sunday, January 14.

She’s not the only one coming back. This year, other big names have already returned to the place to surprise the young artists, such as Edurne, or even Amaia and Miriam, Aitana’s classmates in her days as a student. For her part, the present students are unaware of their arrival because one of the golden rules of talent show It is to remain oblivious to everything that happens outside there.

The return of the Catalan, which has not yet been confirmed by the program team and whose announcement is not expected until the same day in the morning, has a value that transcends the musical: talk to the applicants to tell them what their days were like there and above all, how his life took a radical turn once he passed through the doors of the Academy to emerge into an outside world in which he never again knew anonymity.

The innocent with Alejandro Sanz

Everything seems to indicate that this visit is real. Nothing to do with the supposed arrival of Alejandro Sanz to the Academy, which was never close to happening in such a way and which was an innocent act organized two weeks ago by the director of the site herself, Noem Galera. She made all the triumphs believe that she was giving them a surprise. And it wasn’t like that.

What the renowned artist about whom you will see the joke did do was send a video to the program in a humorous waysomething that unleashed an earthquake on social networks at the height of the return of Aitana, who, despite not winning the trophy – which fell into the hands of Amaia -, returns with an indelible nickname of it is a sermon.

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