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Aitana’s incident with a fan’s father at the doors of the El Hormiguero set

The visit of Aitana to Hormiguero this Wednesday to promote his album Alpha It was quite an event for the large group of fans who wanted to go wait for her at the doors of the set of the Antena 3 program.

Although it is broadcast at night, the truth is that El Hormiguero is recorded around six in the afternoon at the Globomedia headquarters on Alcal Street in Madrid. A dozen followers went there with the intention of greeting the artist.

The singer approached and took several photos individually, but upon realizing that time was short and He wouldn’t be able to dedicate a selfie to each one, he proposed taking a group photo which the girls later published on the networks.

As El Confidencial reports, it was then that one of the parents scolded Aitana for not stopping with each girl. According to those present, this man He insulted Aitana by calling her “disgusting” and “shitty.”

Faced with this attitude, the singer defended herself asking for respect.

“I only ask you to have a little more respect,” Aitana asked when she heard the bad manners. “It’s just that you did the same thing the other time,” replied the father. Without losing her form, the artist assured that “whenever I can I stop, the only thing I ask is that you have a little respect.”

This Friday September 22 The singer gives the definitive turn to her sound with the premiere of Alpha, her third studio album.

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