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Alba Carrillo takes Ana Rosa Quintana and Mediaset to court

Alba Carrillo takes Ana Rosa Quintana and Mediaset to court

Alba Carrillo goes for everything. The former collaborator of ‘Ya es mediodía’ has decided to take Ana Rosa Quintana’s producer, Mediaset and other companies associated with the communication group to court for an alleged “fraud of law” in their hiring, as well as for “unfair dismissal.” It should be remembered that ‘Unicorn Content’ terminated the model’s contract on March 31.

Since that date, Fonsi Nieto’s ex has not shut up. Her direct incendiaries on Twitch leave no one indifferent, especially when she dares to point directly at what until now had been her boss, Ana Rosa Quintana, and the group led by Borja Prado. “You have become a classist because you have been very lucky and you stabbed María Teresa Campos, but they will kill you with iron…”expressed Alba Carrillo.

“I am the one who is suffering with the economic consequences that this entails for a family, and in their personal and emotional life. I’ve been crying I think a little while a day since they fired me and threw me out like a dog”, he also said on Twitch before announcing that he would execute a lawsuit. A legal action against Mediaset España, Unicorn Content, Megamedia Televisión SL, Publiespaña SAU, Conecta 5 Telecinco SAU and La Fábrica de la Tele, as reported by Esdiario.

The accusations of Alba Carrillo

The applicant points out that it was committed an alleged “fraud of law” in their contracts since July 13, 2016. As of that date, Alba Carrillo appeared in various programs on the network such as ‘Supermodelo’, ‘Save me’, ‘It’s noon’, ‘It’s already eight’, ‘Viva la vida’, ‘Secret Story’ and ‘Rocío tell the truth to stay alive’. Likewise, she points out an “unfair dismissal”.

“What they gave me in ‘Ya es mediodía’ was a donation. They told me that if they raised my salary by 20 euros they would leave me without parking. I had to choose between 20 euros or having parking, that is Ana Rosa Quintana, the businesswoman of the year”, insisted the also influencer.

It will be next December 21 when Alba Carrillo and all those involved have to make an appearance in the Social Court number 39 of Madrid. According to ‘Semana’, the failed conciliation act took place on May 22, which was attended only by the legal representatives of Unicorn Content and La Fábrica de la Tele.

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