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Alba Silva remembers Sergio Rico’s accident: They have been the hardest moments of my life

Alba Silva remembers Sergio Rico's accident: They have been the hardest moments of my life

Alba Silva, Mina Bonino, Paddy Noarbe and Zoe Cristofoli They got together to convey in a documentary their most personal and professional side and how they live life with their respective partners, world-class soccer players (Sergio Rico, Fede Valverde, Marcos Llorente and Theo Hernández). WAGS: They play tooavailable from November 15 on the Mitele Plus platform, It is the name that shapes Mediaset’s great bet.

When viewing the first chapter, the four protagonists appear in front of the camera and indicate the time frame in which they find themselves. Alba Silva remembered one of the darkest chapters of her life, and that it happened as soon as the recordings of the Mediaset docuseries began. On May 28, Sergio Rico set off alarm bells after suffering a serious accident with a horse in the El Roco pilgrimage, which forced him to require hospital care for 82 days.

Have your soul in suspense

The Sevillian, who was unable to record the program’s headline due to her partner’s delicate state of health, points out that she found out about this news thanks to her sister Maca. In the first instance, Alba was not aware of the seriousness of the matter, but she began to get scared when the doctors told her that the situation was much stronger. than expected.

When I got there I found Sergio on the floor and I got so nervous. They didn’t let me get close to him. We went behind because they wouldn’t let me go with him in the ambulance and we went to the mobile hospital unit that they had set up there in El Roco. I just wanted to think that it hadn’t been that serious, he remembers.

They called us doctors because there were complications. I don’t want to remember it because they have been the hardest moments of my life. Have your soul in suspense, he adds. On the day of the tragic accident, both were scheduled to film some scenes in El Roco. On the Sunday of the accident we were ready to record in El Roco. Until what happened happened. The succession of memories and testimonies completely broke the protagonist of the documentary, who left a reflection on her life. It’s incredible how life can change you in a matter of seconds..

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