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Alcohol increases risk of death: analysis reveals – how much you should drink per day

A glass of wine or beer a day is healthy? A new study now contradicts this: Even moderate alcohol consumption is said to be harmful.

For decades, scientific studies have indicated that moderate alcohol consumption has a health-promoting effect. Who regular moderate Alcohol drinks, would therefore do his Health something good and would even live longer. A new Analyse From over 100 studies from 40 years of research, the opposite result was surprisingly found.

Alcohol: So many grams a day increases the risk of death

The research found that the risk of dying prematurely increases significantly in women as soon as they consume 25 grams of alcohol per day. That’s about one or two glasses Wein or one to two glasses of beer (0.3 liters). In men, the risk increases significantly with 45 grams of alcohol a day – that is a little more than three drinks. Also read: Diet: Women particularly benefit from Mediterranean cuisine

The aim of the frog ends of the “Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research” at the University of Victoria was not with their report Recommendation develop for alcohol consumption. The primary aim was to uncover methodological problems that occur in many older observational studies.

Older studies on alcohol consumption had methodological problems

Most of these 100+ studies, involving nearly 5 million adults, have found that moderate alcohol consumption with a higher one Life expectancy related. However, this research fails to take into account that moderate alcohol drinkers have certain “advantages” over people who may not drink at all for health reasons or a history of drinking problems. Also read: Non-Alcoholic Wine: Healthy Enjoyment? You need to know

“When you compare these unhealthy groups to those who are currently drinking, it looks like the drinkers are healthier and have lower mortality rates,” Tim Stockwell, one of the study’s authors, told the New York Times. Especially since, according to the scientists, moderate drinkers would generally live healthier lives. So they would, for example, more Sport eat more consciously and pay more attention to their health.

after dr Stockwell and his colleagues had corrected the methodological errors of all studies, it turned out: “The alleged health benefits of drinking shrinks dramatically and is no longer statistically significant.” (oli)

Alcohol Q&A: How much is healthy and who should avoid alcohol consumption

What is alcohol and how does it affect the body?

Alcohol is a chemical substance found in beverages such as beer, wine, and liquor. It affects the central nervous system and can affect mood, emotions and behavior. Consumed in moderate amounts, alcohol can have a relaxing effect. However, excessive consumption can lead to health problems.

Is there a “healthy” amount of alcohol that can be consumed on a daily basis?

There is no universal “healthy” amount of alcohol, as individual factors such as age, gender, weight and general health come into play. Some studies suggest that moderate alcohol consumption may have health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease. However, alcohol consumption should always be consistent with individual circumstances and health concerns.

What are the guidelines for moderate alcohol consumption?

Moderate drinking guidelines vary by country and health organization. In Germany, the German Head Office for Addiction Questions (DHS) recommends a maximum of two standard glasses (20g of pure alcohol) for men and a maximum of one standard glass (10g of pure alcohol) for women per day, with at least two alcohol-free days per week.

What are the health risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption?

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a variety of health problems, such as liver damage, cardiovascular disease, nervous system damage, cancer and mental illness. In addition, alcohol addiction can have both physical and psychological consequences and affect the social environment.

Are there situations in which one should not consume alcohol?

Yes, there are certain situations where alcohol consumption should be avoided. These include pregnancy, breastfeeding, taking medications that may interact with alcohol, and before or while operating vehicles or machinery. Individuals with certain health conditions or a history of alcohol abuse should also avoid alcohol or discuss their consumption with their doctor.

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