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Alexandre Brasseur married: the tender message from his friend Jean-Luc Reichmann

Jean-Luc Reichmann congratulated his friend Alexandre Brasseur on his marriage to Isabelle Regourd, celebrated on Thursday October 5. And he took the opportunity to remind him that he was expected on the film set of Léo Mattéï !

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It’s time to celebrate Alexandre Brasseur ! Newly remarried, the actor Tomorrow belongs to us received a beautiful message on social networks from his great friend, Jean-Luc Reichmannthe indestructible host of the TF1 show The 12 strokes of noon. A post which also reminds us that the two men will soon respond to each other…

Alexandre Brasseur married: the tender message from his friend Jean-Luc Reichmann

“So happy for you both, Alexandre, and so happy to see you again on Sunday for the filming of Léo Mattéï”such is the beautiful and simple message published by the host of the 12 shots of noon on his Instagram account on the occasion of the wedding on Thursday October 5 of the actor Tomorrow belongs to us with his partner Isabelle Regourdwho is none other than the ex of another soap opera actor, Stéphane Henonalias Boher in More beautiful life. This is the second marriage for the son of the late Claude Brasseur. For more than thirty years, he was in fact in a relationship with Juliette, with whom he had two children, Louis and Jeanne.

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Alexandre Brasseur soon in Léo Mattéï

Since September 18, the 11th season of Léo Mattéï is filming in the South of France, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. Always surrounded by his gang composed of Lola Dubini, Stomy Bugsy, Alexandre Achdjian, Romane Portail And Maïra Schmitt, Jean-Luc Reichmann will welcome this season guests well known to viewers. So, Brigitte Fossey will play Claude, Léo’s mother! And, over the course of six episodes, viewers will also be able to come across Lucy Lucas (who will soon play a really badass cop in Cannes Criminal Policebroadcast from October 9 on TF1), Pola Petrenko (aka Charlène in Here it all begins), Alexis Loret, Ingrid Chauvin, Samira Lachhab (who therefore makes his return to the series after having left it in season 4), Marie-Christine Adam and so Alexandre Brasseur. The reunion of the latter with Jean-Luc Reichmann on the set is likely to be very joyful!

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