National team A’ lost the CHAN-2022 final against Senegal. The Algerians are wondering about the future of national coach Madjid Bougherra. But the latter hovers the suspense.

Despite a good run during CAN-2022, the national team A ‘did not triumph at the end of the tournament. Indeed, it lost the final against Senegal last night at the Nelson Mandela stadium. The two protagonists went to the penalty shootout, but luck smiled on the Senegalese (4-5).

At the end of the final, national coach Madjid Bougherra was affected by this failure. But he wants to thank the players who spared no effort to win the tournament. Alas, luck turned its back on them.

“Our journey is positive. The players were extraordinary, I thank them very much. Luck smiled on the Senegalese during the penalty shootout. Now we have to move on to the future”. He told the media.

Now that the CHAN-2022 is over, Algerian fans are wondering about the future of Bougherra at the head of the local team. But the coach hovers the suspense. “We are going to rest after 35 days that we are together. We will redo the analysis with the members of my staff what was good during the CHAN and the things to improve. My future is not relevant at the moment. I’m going to rest after we’ll see what fate has in store for us. He revealed.

“Positive path”, launches Zefizef

The president of the Algerian football federation, Djahid Zefizef, says he is satisfied with the course of the national team A’ during CHAN-2022. “The national team had a good run during the CHAN. We are satisfied because the objective has been achieved. Admittedly, it’s disappointing to miss the consecration, but luck smiled on the Senegalese during the penalty shootout. He told the Algerian media after the final.

The president of the first instance of national football is also satisfied with the organization of the continental event. “We are fully satisfied with the organization of CHAN. According to all present, the tournament took place in the best conditions. I think Algeria has won points for its candidacy to host CAN-2025”. he will say.


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