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All Stars Survivors: criticism for Bosco’s accident and who is the one expelled from the gala 4

All Stars Survivors: criticism for Bosco's accident and who is the one expelled from the gala 4

The fourth gala of Supervivientes All Stars ended with the elimination of the former contestant of Ganda Shore, Abraham García. The equality of the percentages suggested that a totally unforeseeable expulsion would occur and it was finally Lola Menca who managed to ensure her permanence in the competition for another week. Marta Peate, the other initial nominee, had already achieved her victory during the salvation ceremony last Monday.

However, the most critical moment of the gala had nothing to do with the eliminations or even the nominations. During the race for the Golden Trident, Bosco Martínez-Bordi suffered an accident that could have had serious consequences. Fortunately, however, the situation ended up being just a scare.

It all happened on the Ferris Wheel, the most typical challenge of the contest. Logan and Bosco himself began to spin, demonstrating a great capacity for endurance despite the dizziness and the speed of the instrument. After five minutes, Pocholo’s nephew lost his grip and ended up falling into the water, but not before receiving a strong blow to the ribs from the structure of the device.

The program’s medical team went to the scene to immediately attend to the winner of Supervivientes 2023. Uncertainty gripped those present both on the island and on the set in Madrid until Bosco himself confirmed that he was fine. Mom, Dad, I’m fine. I changed my position on top and I got a serious knock on the ribs, but we’re fine. I saw the stick coming and I ate it, wow. I tried to see if I could break this wheel, but it was impossible, I joked.

Although nothing happened in the end, social media has been inflamed with the contest’s organizers and has harshly criticized the program’s attitude. With the Ferris wheel they are going too far, said a user of X. We were all aware that this test is more dangerous than fun, except for the organization.says another. Is it necessary to do everything at this level? The team has had enough, asks a third.

New nominees

Precisely Bosco did not win for upsets throughout the night and was the first nominee of the night thanks to the votes of his colleagues. He will be accompanied by Alejandro Nieto, who, despite having tied with Logan and Marta, received the vote of grace from the leader, Sofa Suescun. A Suescun who, making use of her possibility of directly nominating a contestant, has chosen Jorge Pérez to close the list. A storm is brewing in Honduras, considering that all three were winners of their respective editions.

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