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All that matters: Kim Bremer is celebrating a comeback

About a year ago, Jasmin Minz left “Everything that counts” because of a baby break. RTL has now announced when the “Kim Bremer” actress will return.

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February 2 update

how RTL confirmed himself Jasmine Mint soon to the in-house daily soap “All that counts” return. She had already confirmed her return to the series on Instagram in January 2023. According to RTL it should middle of March go off. There are no official pictures yet, but the Kim actress showed up on Instagram with a new hair color: lilac. We’ll find out what else has happened to her character when Kim’s first episodes are shown.

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It’s been almost a year since the actress Jasmine Mint and with her her popular character Kim Bremer”Everything that counts”. The fans of the RTL series may have been sad, but the departure was absolutely justified. Kim got an unbeatable one Job offer from Stockholm: Successful local designer Steg Lindblom offered her a job as his assistant. Of course, Kim couldn’t refuse and went to the Swedish capital. Even nicer is the actual reason for the end of the series: Jasmine Minz went into the baby break and gave birth to her child in spring 2022.

At the time of the announcement, however, the actress assured that she would return to “Everything That Matters”. When exactly, she did not reveal. Now, on January 9th, 2023, Jasmin Minz has her Instagram channel reported on their return to the RTL soap.

Jasmin Minz on the return to the AWZ: “I’ll definitely come!”

RTL / Julia Feldhagen

Jasmin Minz returns to “Everything that counts”.

The actress started a question and answer session among her followers. And as she reveals in an Instagram story, more than half of her fans wanted to know if and when she would return to “Everything That Counts”. Minz is visibly happy about the interest of her followers and says with a laugh: “Yes, I’m coming. I’m not allowed to say when. But I’m coming. I’m definitely coming.”

The return of Minz and with it Kim Bremer is certain. Unfortunately, the actress does not reveal when or how. At least the official one has Instagram channel of “Everything that counts” Shared Minz’s story with himself. Maybe a hint that Kim’s comeback isn’t too far off…

“Everything that counts” runs Monday to Friday at 7:05 p.m. on RTL. The episodes are also included a week before they are broadcast on TV RTL+ available.

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