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All the artists who have sung the intro of the Paquita Salas series

From Rosala to Sergio Dalma

Paquita Salas It established itself as one of the most acclaimed comedy series of recent years in Spain when it broke out in 2016. The song of the head of the Los Javis production is already, practically, a anthem. We review all the artists who have sung it.

It came to praise the most traditional humor through a lady trapped in the 90s who finds herself irremediably devoured by the entertainment industry. representation of talents. And in that attempt, in which to join the bandwagon, try to update and catch up, we see how Paquita Salasthe great protagonist of her eponymous series, manages to solve every problem that stands between today’s world and her professional success.

Directed and scripted by Los Javis Javier Calvo and Javier Ambrossi with the production company Buenda Studios and with Brays Efe as the main actor accompanied by the incomparable Magi, played by Beln Cuesta. The series of three seasons and 16 episodes went down in history for its infallible humor using the mockumentary format, like the iconic series The Office.

The jokes from the intra-history of Spanish production have been established in the language of memes and are present on social networks and on the street in equal measure. But also other elements that make it up, such as the song composed for the header of the series. An intro melody that is already part of audiovisual history: Oh, Paquita!.

In each of their seasons, Los Javis have had a different artist give personality and tone to the song, so that they practically seem like different songs in each one’s mouths.

Season 1, Miss Cafena

In the first season, which was released in 2016 through the Flooxer platform, it was the independent band Miss Cafena is responsible for giving voice to the topic.

Season 2, Rosala

The version of Rosala of Oh, Paquita! was probably the one that helped the most to popularize the topic. With the season released in June 2018, the song coincided exactly with the release of the album that catapulted the Catalan band and caused international fever for the singer, Badly.

ROSALA – Oh, Paquita! (2018)

Season 3, Isabel Pantoja

2019 arrived with the third installment of the series, six episodes, the rest have five and an intro that can never be forgotten by the folkloric of folklorics, one of the most iconic in life and remembered: Isabel Pantoja.

‘Paquita Salas’: Isabel Pantoja sings the lead of T3

Sergio Dalma

Although he was not in charge of the version for the header of any season, Sergio Dalma covered the song for one of the episodes of the series.

Oh, Paquita! (From the Series ” paquita=”” rooms”)”=”

On the occasion of the promotion of The cuckoothe recently released film with Belén Cuesta as the protagonist, who plays Magi, the actress passed through the microphones of RAC1 to chat about production. There, the journalist took the opportunity to ask if we will see more of Paquita Salas: “I want, I think it will be done, “I don’t know when, but I know that they also want to.”

The last words of actor Brays Efe in reference to Paquita Salas reflected in the blog cinemagavia, reinforce this theory of a fourth installment and, in addition, shed some light on who will be responsible for giving it voice this time; Rigoberta Bandini.

Lyrics of the song ‘Ay, Paquita!’

Paquita has a shame

Paquita wants more

With the world as a target

Drive the city


If Paquita knew

Who manages your luck

His mind is a prodigy

And the way you walk

Oh, Paquita!

Lady, pretty girl

Passion, tenacity, that walking

It is much easier to reach

And he says oh, Paquita!

Get me a visit

Everyone loves you, everyone looks for you


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