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Alondra García Miró: this is how she reacted when she was told that Paolo Guerrero would become a father for the fourth time

the chambers of “Love and Fire” they approached the model Alondra Garcia Miro to consult him about the images in which he appears very affectionate with his new gallant Spain.

, express.

At the insistence of the reporter, the ‘ojiverde’ said she was happy. “Yes, I’m happy… Well nothing, I’m really fine”.

But that was not all, because they also asked his opinion about the supposed baby that Paolo Guerrero would be expecting with Ana Paula Consort.

”, the press man consulted.

However, the businesswoman only managed to withdraw, arguing that she had to go record. He said without omitting any comments about the pregnancy of Paolo Guerrero’s new partner.

For her part, Gigi Miter defended the reaction that the model had. “I wouldn’t comment either. she always polite. What she has done is perfect ”.

Peluchín announces that Karen Schwarz’s request for protection measures “is not applicable”

In ‘Love and Fire’, Rodrigo Gonzalez announced that Karen Schwartz requested protection measures in his favor, but that the request was dismissed by the authorities.

“Don’t tell him oh, don’t tell him…because the dead fly denounced me again (…) Decision, Karen Schwarz is not acceptable…It is not appropriate to issue protection measures, again they denied you the measures “, express.

The presenter remarked that the ex-conductor is “His mental faculties to face criticism according to the profession to which he dedicates himself.”

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