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Alone like Antoine Dupont or as a couple, how the players of the French XV celebrated their qualification for the quarter-finals of the World Cup (PHOTOS)

This Friday, October 6, the stars of the French XV celebrated their victory against Italy and especially their qualification for the quarter-finals of the rugby world championship. A moment of joy shared with Antoine Dupont and the players’ companions and families.

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Victory ! This Friday, October 6, all eyes were on the OL Stadium in Lyon. In front of more than 59,000 spectators on site, the Blues did everything they could to achieve victory and reach the quarter-finals. Against Italy, the XV of France offered itself an offensive festival despite the absence of Antoine Dupont. At the end of the evening, the French were able to celebrate the team’s victory with an overwhelming score of 60 to 7. In the streets of France, and in the bars, it was time for joy before concentrating on new on the rest of the competition. But before knowing more about the quarter-finals, the players wanted to celebrate their qualification as it should bemostly with family.

Antoine Dupont did not fail to congratulate the players

After this evening full of emotions, the players were able to count on the support of their teammate who missed the match. Antoine Dupont was present in the Lyonnais stadium to encourage the players of the XV of France during this decisive match. Operated on September 22 for a broken jaw, the scrum-half hopes to return for the quarter-finals, but in the meantime, he was proud of the players. This is also the case for Fabien Galthié who wanted to congratulate each member of the team one by one.

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The players’ children and companions were present in the stands

In the stands, the atmosphere was just as festive. The players’ families came to encourage the team and after the match, the suspense gave way to excitement. The children of Bastien Chalureau, Romain Taofifenua and Peato Mauvaka were delighted to congratulate their fathers on their achievement during the evening. Like the children, the companions of the members of the XV of France were just as delighted to be able to be present in the stands to applaud them and share tender kisses. A precious moment of joy. Now the players must focus on the next stage: the quarterfinals.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

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