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Alves: the Brazilian sent a message to the court through his clothes

A fellow prisoner of Alves: he considers the trial lost

In it judgment Everything about Dani Alves was extremely studied by the parties, even the clothes that the footballer chosewho has been in provisional prison in Brians 2 prison since January 20, 2023 after a complaint from a woman who accuses him of having sexually assaulted her in the bathroom of the private room of the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona on the night of December 30 2022, when she was 23 years old.

During the three days that the hearing lasted, already pending sentencing, the Brazilian player I chose white or very light clothes to appear in courtand almost certainly It was not something done at random or by chance..

Ms informacin

  • This inmate has told Espejo Pblico what the player’s day-to-day life is like since he entered the Brians 2 prison in Barcelona.

The color white has a powerful effect on non-verbal communication, conveying a variety of meanings and emotions. This projects purity and innocence. This is why it is traditionally used in wedding dresses, baptisms and other ceremonies, explains Francisco Torreblanca, professor and strategy and innovation consultant at ESIC, to AS.

To build trust

Thus, the Brazilian’s defense will take into account for these three days that the trial has lasted in the Barcelona Court that the white It is a color that projects light and clarityevoking simplicity and simplicity, as well as generating peace, tranquility and serenity (in fact, it is often used in meditation and yoga clothing to promote a calm state of mind), characteristics that the player’s lawyer, Ins Guardiola, would be interested in evoking about this before the court.

Despite first we may not be aware of it, This color establishes formality, openness and transparency. We could even add honesty. Definitely, It is an ideal color to use in situations where you need to create trust and make a good impression, adds Professor Torreblanca.

Perhaps Dani Alves or his advisors have played the card of the influence of non-verbal communication and emotional perceptions. We will see if it is a good play to score a goal in the final verdict, adds the specialist.

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