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Amaia Montero encourages her sister after being left out of MasterChef 12: Don’t let anyone tell you who you are

Amaia Montero encourages her sister after being left out of MasterChef 12: Don't let anyone tell you who you are

The twelfth edition of MasterChef It’s already on the grill. After a first broadcast whose audience data has left much to be desired, and whose operation has been divided into two blocks, one of casting and another with the classic tests and the consequent elimination, the contest already has its 16 candidates. Whoever has not been part of this select group has been Idoia Montero, sister of Amaia Monteroafter receiving the vote against Jordi Cruz and Pepe Rodríguez in the first part of the space.

I would like to give you a yes, but I won’t be able to. You have opened many paths and none have convinced you. I haven’t seen that you want to be a cook, the Catalan snapped, receiving a sincere response, with firm words and on the verge of breaking down with emotion: I want to be a cook, you won’t be wrong. But no luck.

I don’t believe in good professionals if they are not good people.

The completeness of the explanation was such that it left him out of the picture. talent show that her sister, who was the vocalist of Van Gogh’s Ear, has come to her aid through social networks. Failure is doing nothing, dear sister, and I add that true success is trying again and again and not giving up. Nobody knows it like you, we know it wellthe singer has left in writing.

Montero’s initial reflection refers to some words that the candidate uttered once she learned of her early elimination. And yes, that I want to be is a white flag. I don’t believe in good professionals if they are not good people and you are exceptional. Noah, amatxo (mom), aitatxo (dad) and I are very proud of you. Don’t let anyone tell you who you arehas finished her small tribute, her hand outstretched, the family’s float, the Basque artist.

As she expressed, to give a few strokes to the profile of Idoia is a fashion stylist and also a writer. His latest book dates back to 2019: a 120-page collection of poems that was published under the Aguilar publishing label and whose name is in the middle of the dance.

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