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Amaia Salamanca and Rosauro Varo, in crisis: Separate lives

Amaia Salamanca and Rosauro Varo, in crisis: Separate lives

2023 is being synonymous with breakups and sentimental crises for the most high-profile couples on the national scene. Pilar Rubio and Sergio Ramos, Rauw Alejandro and Rosala, Laura Escanes and lvaro de Luna or Aitana and Miguel Bernardeauamong many other relationships, are some of the love stories that have come to an end throughout this year when no one expected it. A long list of names that added two new members this Tuesdayas reported exclusively Readings.

The aforementioned medium has shared a series of images where it can be seen that Amaia Salamanca and Rosauro Varo could be living separate lives. The files record what last Saturday afternoon was like for the vice president of Movistar+, which began with a walk through the waters of the Guadalquivir accompanied by a friend and two girlfriends, but without the presence of his partner, and who ended up a meeting inside the manager’s mansionwhich is also owned by the actress Without tits there is no paradisewith the one he carries 13 years of relationship and have three children in common.

The modus operandi of photographs

On Sunday morning, the protagonists of this meeting left the house with clothes different from what they were wearing. The images also support the affectionate and complicit attitude of Rosauro Varo with one of her friends.which has set off the alarms of a possible sentimental crisis with the well-known interpreter after 13 years of relationship and three children together.

Luis Pliegodirector of Readings and responsible for this exclusive, has shared in TardeAR some details and aspects of this information, which will give a lot to talk about in the coming days. The journalist points out that they have chosen the headline of separate lives because Rosauro spends a weekend of single life on the streets of Seville.

Next, he told how it was he mode of operation of these photographs that could support the breakup of the couple. They spend the entire night there and, at around two in the afternoon the next day, the two women leave the house towards the Santa Justa station. When the sun sets, they leave and enter the family home of Rosauro Varo and Amaia Salamanca in Seville.

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