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Amandine Pellissard worried about her daughter Louna after symptoms of Covid

Since she left Large families: life in XXL, the adventure that made her famous in 2020, Amandine Pellissard recounts the adventures of her tribe on social networks where she is followed by 380,000 people. Married to Alexandre and mother of nine children, she does not fail to keep her subscribers informed of the life of her large family. The former member of the docu-reality converted to porn recently gave birth to her ninth child, Maéna. Unfortunately, the little girl was born six months early and is going through difficult times due to her fragile health. A situation which pushed Amandine Pellissard to confide, “I’m going through a difficult time. And without fear of words, it’s called postpartum depression. It’s violent, sudden and hard (…) What we’re going through is complicated.” While she is already worried about Maéna, the mother is now worried about another of her children…

Amandine Pellissard worried about the health of her daughter Louna

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Amandine Pellissard admitted to worrying about the health of her daughter Louna, 9 years old, this Tuesday, September 19. “Louna is sick, she has fairly ambiguous symptoms of Covid, we’re not going to lie. She has a bit of everything that is flu, she has a runny nose, she is coughing, she has a headache and the problem is that she can no longer taste it so we are a little worried“, she indicated in her story. The mother then explained that she had made an appointment to confirm her intuition, “So, we’re going to do a test, then we’re going to go for it. In addition, I struggled to find a laboratory that performs saliva tests so that she does not have to do an antigen test by nasal passage.

Amandine Pellissard is afraid of not being able to see Maéna

Louna’s mother also told what awaited her in the event that her daughter was positive for Covid, “We made inquiries, we called the hospital earlier to find out how things were going. If it is positive, we must get tested too“, she said before worrying about not being able to see Maéna, her premature daughter, in the coming days, “If we are negative, we have the right to come see Maéna but with a mask, obviously, and if we are positive, we do not have the right to go.“Amandine Pellissard finally concluded, “I sincerely hope it will be negative.“To be continued…

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