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América TV decided to put Jey Mammón back on the air

After the fall of El Trece in the rating, where in the minute by minute it has been fourth in the strip, America TV has taken the reins of its programming grid to return to broadcast hits on the small screen that some time ago were highly applauded by the public.

Daniel Vila’s channel, which is now in a very good position after some new announcements, impressed everyone this summer by re-broadcasting some episodes of the show that Jey Mammón had on TV screens. America TV. The name of this cycle is “Los Mammones” and it was praised, in the past, even by Marcelo Tinelli.

Eleonora Wexler, Viviana Canosa and Natalia Oreiro were some of the figures that were in “Los Mammones”.

As it was known from the board of directors of America TV, this show will be once a week with the best compilations and interviews that Jey Mammón conducted on said channel before taking refuge in Telefe to host “La Peña de Morfi”.

As expected, the fans were excited to see the actor again in this project that they liked so much, and therefore, they did not hesitate to communicate it through social networks: “Hold on America with the remake of Los Mammones”, was the comment made by a follower in a publication where the driver supported the premiere of “Married With Children”.

The followers did not wait to celebrate the appearance of Mammón on América TV.

The new show that could harm América TV

But the truth is that the cube channel It seems that he has not won the path with these repetitions of “Los Mammones”, since in the promotional video of 2023 Telefe announced that Jey Mammón will also be on their screens with a new space called “El Show Mammón”.

Until what was reported a few months ago on the “Gossip” program, this format will be very similar to the one that China Suárez’s close friend had in America TV and it is part of the agreement that he made with the media of the three spheres to take command of “La Peña de Morfi”.

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