President Andrés Manuel López Obrador sent to the Chamber of Deputies a law initiative with which it seeks that the resources from tourism are destined, in its majority, to mega works of the federal Government and only a part to the National Institute of Migration (INM).

The initiative with a draft decree, which amends, adds and repeals various provisions of the Federal Law of Rights and of the General Tourism Lawestablishes in its Article 18-A, that of the income from tourism, 20% will be allocated to the Migration’s national institute to improve the services it provides.

On the other hand, the remaining 80% of these revenues will be used for planning, studies, projects and investment in infrastructure by the parastatal entity of the Federal Public Administration whose corporate purpose is the administration, operation and provision of airport, aeronautical, railway, tourist, cultural, among others of various kinds.

Likewise, for the programs that allow the execution, operation, administration, contracting of goods and services, acquisition of goods, construction, maintenance, modernization and use of the projects and infrastructure in charge of said entity.

That is, for works like the mayan trainhe Interurban Train Mexico-Tolucahe Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the Dos Bocas Refineryhe Tulum Airportamong others that are currently under construction.

For this to happen, the Mexican president also proposed taking away from the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) the collection of resources from permits granted to foreigners to enter the country as tourists.

In addition to creating a public trust “for the purpose of allocating the income obtained from the collection of the right to prove the condition of stay regarding visitors without permission to carry out paid activities that enter the country for tourism purposes, established in section 1 of article 8 of the Federal Rights Law, as well as in section IV of article 43 of the General Tourism Law”.

In the document, President López Obrador argued that his government’s priority projects are aimed at increasing the economic benefits of the region and tourism, as well as creating jobs, improving economic conditions that reduce inequality gaps, contributing to well-being social, promote sustainable development, protect the environment of the areas and promote the territorial ordering of the regions.

The President’s proposal was forwarded to the Finance and Public Credit Commissionfor opinion and the Tourism Commission, for opinion.



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