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An English TikToker is amazed by what Spaniards think about British tourists: Not even dead

An English TikToker is amazed by what Spaniards think about British tourists: Not even dead

People on TikTok are increasingly using their accounts to share their experiences when emigrating to other countries. In many cases, it is Spaniards who share interesting facts about the countries they have left for. In this case, Anna (@aninaespana) is a British girl living in Spain since August 2023, that is, for almost a year, and who uploads videos to his account telling what his life is like in our country.

In one of those videos he Ask your followers to comment on the different stereotypes about the British in Spain. In that same video, he also commented that he had discovered that his compatriots have a reputation for making balconingsomething she was unaware of and which motivated her to learn more about Spanish stereotypes about the British. I might regret asking this question, she said, laughing.

Before I moved I knew that we had a reputation for not learning the language and for being disrespectful.he also said in the video. At the same time, he claimed not to fit into that stereotype. At least with regard to the first part, it is obvious that he does not, since he speaks perfectly understandable and correct Spanish, as he claims that he was already learning it before moving.

Her followers brought various preconceived ideas about the British to her video, but there was one that she found particularly funny and that she also didn’t know about. It turns out that Anna didn’t know that the English, at least in Spain, They have a reputation for combining flip-flops with the use of socks..

In response to this, Anna claimed that, despite being English, I’d never be caught dead wearing socks with flip flopsHe claimed to have never seen it. I have never done it and I never would, he also said. He then explained that his first video, in which he asked for help from his followers, had 2,300 comments, most of them negative, something he took with humour. I understand, honestly, I knew we don’t have the best reputation.

Of course, Anna then gets a little serious, as she talks about all the Negative comments I received about the Englishincluding the reputation that the English have for drinking, noise and the general discomfort they cause in tourist areas. Faced with this, the young Englishwoman said that this made her very ashamed. I know this is true and I will not deny this behavior.. Regrets that these people ruin the reputation of an entire country.

Anna says she does not identify with these people with a superiority complex and makes it clear that Not all English people are the sameand that, in your personal case, He loves Spain and has a lot of respect for our country, the language and the people..

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