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Ana Gabriel confesses that she is married and is preparing her honeymoon

Ana Gabriel suffers respiratory problem in the middle of the concert

MIAMI.- The singer Ana Gabriel has surprised her fans with a revelation about her personal life: the interpreter of Simply Friends, who has been very reserved with the details that concern her privacy, has confessed that she is married and is preparing her honeymoon.

It was during a live on Instagram when the singer was questioned about her love life and if she was currently in love, to which she responded with a smile and showing a wedding ring in her hand: “I’m already married.”

In the same conversation, the interpreter said that she and her couple They are preparing their honeymoon for 2025.

“I’m telling you that in the 25th year I’m going on my honeymoon. I already have someone to accompany me on my honeymoon. Only two people are going to go on my honeymoon, there are just two of us, that’s why It’s a honeymoon, because we are two people,” he said, laughing.

Although she did not give details of when the ceremony took place or the identity of this person, Ana Gabriel emphasized that she will have a romantic getaway and it will be in the Dominican Republic.

“Before the honeymoon I’m going to be with my husband, my husband, yes I think it’s the Dominican Republic and after there I’m going on my honeymoon.”

Who did you marry?

After the marriage became public, journalist Jorge Carbajal, from the YouTube program En shock livestated that the singer would have married a woman named Silvana.

Among so many fans, a girl emerged, who is, I estimate, around 30 years old. She is Peruvian and her name is Silvana, she said on June 19, and alleged that both had conversations through private messages on social networks.

Apparently, the messages began to escalate, to such a degree that by the time they realized it, they were already speaking very affectionately.

Carbajal emphasized that Ana Gabriel invited the woman to her presentation at the Olympia Theater, in Paris, in June 2023. Presumably, the woman arrived accompanied by family members.

From then on, they no longer separate, together for everything. And Silvana helped Ana Gabriel with everything, that is, whatever she needed, as an assistant. That, in fact, Silvana is a psychologist, that is her profession, there in Peru that is what she worked on, the communicator pointed out.

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