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Anahí helped me: Margarita Portillo, wife of Andrés García

Lorena Corpus/ Reform Agency

Thursday, January 12, 2023 | 07:35

CDMX.- After overcoming the severe pneumonia that put him on the verge of death, Andrés García, 81, raised his hemoglobin levels thanks to the blood units that the singer Anahí helped to obtain for him.

In this way, they report that the actor recovers his state of health favorably; no longer dependent on an oxygen tank.

The former RBD not only shared a photograph with the actor through her stories on Instagram, she has also been aware of the state of health of the man born in the Dominican Republic, who gained fame in movies and soap operas in Mexico.

“Andrés is much better, his hemoglobin level was very low. On Tuesday, December 27, they gave him two units of blood that he helped me with great effort to get Anahí, then they gave him another unit of blood; right now his hemoglobin has risen a lot.” , indicated in a telephone interview Margarita Portillo, wife of the actor.

“In his last tests he was at 6.5, which is very low; also, Andrés is zero negative, and it is very difficult to get that blood, and more than the December dates arrived, so Anahí helped me with people he knows, he intervened to help us get the blood.”

Previously, the “Sálvame” singer had sent García to his home in Acapulco to a pulmonologist in Mexico City to personally check him out.

“With pneumonia, Anahí proposed taking him to other hospitals, but I told her that he was well treated here (in Acapulco), and to be sure that there was something else to do or something, she sent a great pulmonologist from Mexico, and she, after seeing him, told him that he was very well taken care of, those were the exact words of the doctor,” Portillo said.

“There are people his age who do not get pneumonia, and added to his cirrhosis problem, his problem of lowering his hemoglobin levels, however, Andrés overcame it and is no longer dependent on oxygen.”

They were weeks in which the actor saw his health seriously affected after the infection in his lungs.

“By New Year’s Eve I was not using oxygen, I only put it on at night for a while, from time to time,” his wife clarified.

Precisely because of this recovery, Anahí scheduled the visit to Acapulco for early January, considering the best time to meet García, with whom she became friends after playing her daughter in the telenovela Mujeres Engañadas (1999).

“For a long time she has offered us her support, her help; she is on the lookout almost every day and asks how Andrés is doing,” said the actor’s wife.

“When he visited him, he reacted with a smile that he had not seen for a while, his eyes filled with tears and it was very emotional. He was very happy, and Anahí told him things that he wanted to tell him, that would not stop being said things of his heart; Senator (Manuel) Velasco is also a good person and a great human being.”

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