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Andrea Bueno reveals the ins and outs of Temptation Island

Andrea Bueno reveals the ins and outs of Temptation Island

Temptation Island is, to date, Mediaset’s most successful program. The program hosted by Sandra Barneda achieves excellent audience data every Wednesday, well above the network’s daily average. The plots starring Zayra, Lex, Marieta, David and company hook many users, not only on the small screen but also on social networks where the contestants accumulate thousands of followers.

Andrea Bueno, who abandoned the experience after a few days because she couldn’t handle the pressure of the program, has more than 167,000 fans on Instagram; platform in which she is very active and where she usually has very direct contact with her community. In one of his last rounds of questions and answersYes, the 18-year-old from Malaga reveals one of the ins and outs of the format that generates the most interest among the public.

Can you smoke on Temptation Island? a follower asks. Like Big Brother and other similar reality shows in the house, The organization does allow the contestants to continue with this habit, although always off camera to comply with current audiovisual legislation. Under no circumstances can the production company or the network broadcast images where young people are seen with a cigarette in their hands.

Do you remember when I said I’m going to reflect and left? Well, it’s not that I had a squeeze, no. I was going to smoke, reveals Andrea Bueno. Nor is it allowed for participants to refer to the action of smoking, so keywords are always chosen. In the case of Big Brother, they usually refer to it as I’m going to the beach.


  • The former contestant comes out against the latest statements of the malaguea in The Debate of Temptations where he assured that he forced him to go to the Telecinco program.

  • The former contestant confesses in The Temptations Debate the threat she received from her partner to go on the program: I haven’t told it before.

The worst of the recordings

On her TikTok account, Sandra Barneda has also responded to another of the most frequently asked questions: What is the worst thing about the recordings? The presenter is clear: the unbearable heat that it gets in the Dominican Republic during that time of year. The high percentage of humidity doesn’t help either. Says: What wonderful plans! Sure, but that means that I’m waving and I see four monkeys, very far away. And they ask me to say hello again… It was dizzying to be in the sun with the drips that fall on yousays the television.

The presenter’s classic walks on the beach are a real torture for her: I go barefoot. I can even get blisters because the sand burns. And they tell me: keep walking, keep walking. Because also, don’t go through the area that is wet, and also hide and walk well, with elegance, which is not that I succeed very much, but I try…, he also says.

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