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Andrea Luna refuses to use Tinder: “It scares me because you see many murder cases”

The actress Andrea Luna She is about to turn 31 years old and she feels proud of what she has achieved with her work, because she never needed a man to pay her little treats. In addition, she assures that she is not believed, because her family taught her humility and that she became a stronger and more courageous woman, after she reported that she was the victim of physical and psychological aggression by her ex-partner , the actor Pietro Sibille.

Yes. I am with my classes, my clothing store, the rehearsals for ‘Jauría’, I have just released the song ‘Pasará’ and I am happy because on February 23 the film ‘A retreat to fall in love’ premieres, where I am the protagonist.

Happy because I have been working since I was very young to achieve my dreams and I have followed what my heart dictated.

The world is overpopulated, I love myself enough to be able to love or care for another person. It’s too much for me, I can barely handle myself and my puppy. It’s complicated and I don’t even think about it. Everyone chooses how to live and to whom they will dedicate their time.

Super homemade, I prefer to watch a movie at home instead of being at a party or smelling cigarettes, which I don’t like.

Yes, it could also be for that reason, it is annoying that they are recording you and you are not calm.

Yes. Maybe it was because of the way I responded and didn’t let anyone tell me anything, but also because I was going through a process where I didn’t have patience. Artists are also human beings.

No. I love that everything is horizontal and my family has always instilled in me humility. I am neither believed nor raised. I consider myself persevering, strong, a fighter, a hard worker, ‘chancona’, a crybaby and sentimental.

I don’t have much of a neighborhood because my parents never let me go out, I was super protected.

I prefer to keep everything to myself about my love and personal life and not go into details.

Yes. It was in an avant premiere because we’re going together, but I’m not going to go into details. I just have a good time and everything is going great.

I don’t remember doing that, I’m a little shy.

It doesn’t tempt me, it scares me a bit, because you see a lot of murder cases. I’m a fan of murder documentaries, so I’m kind of traumatized.

No not at all.

No. I have things clear, I know that I can make my money and that alone I can pay for my trips. What’s more, from the age of 14 I told my parents that I was going to pay for everything and that I didn’t need their help. I wanted to know what it was to earn my money with my effort and enjoy it.

That an actor arrives late, that his text is not known and that he has to record with him. I know what it costs to have an opportunity as an actor and not be appreciated, it annoys me. It also ‘gets me crazy’ to walk down the street and suffer street harassment.

Yes. Horrible things have been said to me and no one should put up with that.

In fact, yes. There is a before, an after and a change. It was important not to shut up. There are more things that at some point I would like to write because many strong things have happened to me throughout my life. I would like to write it because I feel that it is a way to heal and free myself.

The change of energy, in making better decisions, in getting to know people and in not letting myself be manipulated or attacked by anyone. It has been an apprenticeship, I learned to love myself more and I hope that it has served as an example so that no girl remains silent.

There is no way. I love myself, I adore myself, and I could never let anyone do anything to me again.

I have it as an idea, but I’m already taking playwriting classes to start writing and not drop the pen.

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